AFGE Safety, Health, and Wellness Information
Your current AFGE Local 2157 Safety Representatives are: Dirk Onosaki:,, or 503-577-1554 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unsafe or Unhealthful Working Conditions To report what you feel is an unsafe or unhealthful working condition you can notify any supervisor, the Safety Officer, an AFGE representative, the Designated Agency Safety Official (DASHO) or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Consistent with 29 USC 651 and 29 CFR Part 1960, an employee has a right to decline to perform his/her assigned tasks because of a reasonable belief that, under the circumstances, the task poses an imminent risk of death or serious bodily harm coupled with a reasonable belief that there is insufficient time to effectively seek corrective action through normal hazard reporting and abatement procedures. However, in these instances, the employee must report the situation to his supervisor or another supervisor who is immediately available. You should also report the situation to an AFGE Safety Representative as soon as possible when safe to do so. The term “imminent danger” means any conditions or practices in any workplace which are such that a danger exists which could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm immediately or before the imminence of such danger can be eliminated through normal procedure. If you do not feel the situation is an immediate threat to life or danger of serious physical harm it is recommended that you first try to resolve the unsafe or unhealthful working condition by contacting a supervisor or the Safety Officer and AFGE Local 2157 via email; however, employees may choose whatever reporting method they wish to make their report. Supervisor/DASHO: When notifying a supervisor or the DASHO of a safety, health or wellness issue, we recommend the notification be via email with a copy sent to AFGE Local 2157. The Local 2157 Safety Representative(s) will work with the Safety Officer(s) to ensure that the issue(s) are addressed. AFGE Local 2157 filing options:
DASHO: OSHA complaint Filing Options (Must be reported to OSHA within 6 months of the occurance):
Additional information about reporting unsafe/unhealthful working condition.For more information relating to reporting unsafe/unhealthful working conditions, worker's rights, protections, and discrimination complaints, please refer to the following: 2011 Master Collective Bargaining Agreement (a.k.a., the Green Book) Refer to Article 29 Safety, Health, and Environment and Article 17 Employee Rights ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Illness Prevention Proper handwashing technique is a good way of preventing the spread of disease. Below is a link to the Center for Disease Control's handwashing resource page: CDC Proper Handwashing Technique FLU SHOTS The Portland VA Medical Center and its satellite clinics hold flu shot clinics for Veterans. For more information regarding the clinics please visit the Portland VA Medical Center news page.
Page Last Updated: Jan 18, 2018 (08:41:08)